Monday, August 27, 2012

me, myself and i ;)

just to tell u guys more about myself yg tak seberape ni.. assalamualaikum. hihi mcm nk pkenalkan dri kat dpn kls lak name nurul nadiah.. taking om program at uitm sri iskandar.  of coz my friends and classmates yg bce bnde ni da tw kn. haha..actually, tk tw la nk crite ape.. not someone dat really like to share bout my personal life except for my best friends.. but ble da compulsary need to finish this assignment, so stat tula i got learn to share my life story to u guys.. aha.. sharing is caring right! hek3.. erm.. i am someone born in 7 august 1993.. berbintang leo.. height 155 cm and weight 42.. haha.. segan la nak gtaw sbenanye.. hehe.. xpela, proceed.. i am hepy go lucky girl.. ske jugk la mrepek bukn2.. yela, life just once.. hehe.. i x ske snap picture.. haha.. tk taw knpe.. im just thinking mybe cmra also hate look at me.. coz when i smile really look unsincere!haha, so ble mmber2 nk snap picture i lebh prefer to hold the camera n becme the photogrpher. =b i like to sleep..ble ade mse gap tuk next class so ape lg, tdo la kn.. haha.. i ske mlukis.. since  5 years ol lg da.. bku2 yg sptutnye tlis abc n 123 tu smue penuh dgn lkisan2 bear. haha.. cite2 lak nk jd lawyer sbenanye.. tp dah takdir kan. xde rezki agaknye.. tp really gratefull sgt2 coz still can be one of the stdents in uitm..hehehe.. i am the 6 from 6 siblings.. ya.. the last one.. huhu..  love black, brown and pink.. like to eat sambal sotong masakan mak n i can drink anyting xcept for yg bersusu mcm nescafe, milo,tembikai susu.. bleh je minum tp kurg ske.. tk tw la knpe.. hihi.. keyh, tu je kot nk share arini.. bye2.. ('-')

a very lazy day had begun

almost two day i came back to my  hostel and meet again wif my lovly roomate that so swizzle but  except for nadia nazari yg sentiasa dgn sifat pemalu nye tu..hehe.. heiy cannot tell lebih2 la.. rahsia romate k.. haha back to main focus. ehem.. ase cepat sgt masa berlalu kan.. sekelip mate je raye had gone n waving us..padahal tk sempat lg nk post byk2 crite raye kt sad.. even syawal is one month, but still kena sambut kat sni jugk.. oops.. mana ade sambut dah kan.. yela, test, quiz n asignment always waiting n waiting.  but now i just resting my whole mind and body.. hihi.. so, lehla relax2.. enjoy2.. tu yg teringt nk post blog ni.. rajin la plk kan..hihi  oke la.. end my lazy story until here.. bai bai..

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

3rd day raye!

hari ni hari ketige raye.. not going anywhere..just dduk rumh je n mlayan tetamu.. non-stop! hehe.. a little bit tired. but it's owke.. definitely having fun entertain the guests.. erm..hopefully daptlah braye rumh saudare mare esok..( whole day..hehe) really hope for that! if not, dduk rumh lg la jwbnye raye keempat -,- huhu.. but the best thing is, i tak henti2 makn laksa. of course i love my moms cook. haha. nothing much to share for today.. need to end here.. bye~

Monday, August 20, 2012


Yesterday would be the konvoi wif my entire famili from house to house to beraye la.  Hu2! queit a long journey la dowh! Petrolku suam2 kuku ble smpi kt umah, :p best! giler2 best! My fav hobby, makan3! But I still control my diet ok, lol...very lots of stuff been serve to us, rendang is a must, others would be the laksa (mak ndak laksa is the best, :) mee kicap and nasi kerabu! Amek kau, kelantan mari! A lots of things happen during the gathering & the best parts is, I x sakit perot pn! haha, even campur mcm2 mknan & everthing, my tummy able to handle it, good job tummy! (lol, :p).  Btw, lupe nk ajak, klu ad kelapangan, please do come to my house k! huhu, gd bye for now! :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Super funny video!

salam & hi again everyone!
haha, watch this video guys! hopefully will screwed ur stomach, adeh! klako dowh, even skrg da raye, tp ble aq tgk video ni, hahah, da2, xnk cite lbeyh, just watch it guys!

p/s : selamat ari raye, maf zahir batin, huhuh, happy belated eid fitri u all! sori lmbt, huhu

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hello bloggers! :)

QUITE TOUGH FOR THE 1st TIME! aiyoo! So, hi everyone! This would be my first post for the blog, dyanadia@blogspot, pfft! Susah jgk buat blog ni sbnrnye ye (susah nk design, that's all, susah utk make it cool, lol, but I managed to handle it, :). What im going to post in the future? hmm, dont want to think la for now, lets follow wif flow, hah! ok, thats all for now, watch out this space y'all. daaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........